If, at one stage of their career, The Frames wanted desperately to be the Irish Radiohead (oh, pipe down there, militant fans, you know it's true), meet Catoan; the band who want to be The Frames wanting to be Radiohead. Formed officially in 2006, the Belfast quintet have had numerous accolades from several sources, both at home and abroad, the advocates of which have since been urged to seek medical advice for selective deafness. Nah, they couldn't be that bad, you say; well, they are. Lead singer Paddy McKeown's affected whiney quiver is as miserable and as trite as his lyrics; five out of the six songs here are clunky, emotionless embarrassments that blend downbeat, hushed folk with flat, screechy violin riffs (It's Just Not being the sole exception), and the closing track, a minute and a half of the band playing glasses with spoons, verges on Damien Rice-esque levels of pretentiousness. And Will I? Ha ha, you're joking, aren't you?